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Thursday, June 2, 2011

What's Happiness to you?

As people how do we count happiness?  Is it by the money we make?  The cars we drive?  The places we live?  Or the people we know?  Depending on whom you ask, and when you ask them you will more than likely get a different answer each time.  So the question we need to ask ourselves is, what makes us most happy?  Growing up as a kid I always thought that having money would make me most happy of all, but after enjoying life with the people I love I find that it's not money for me.  The thing that makes me most happy is enjoying time with the people I care most about.  I realized that I could have all of the money in the world, but that would only make me rich not happy.  Is it that we as people worry so much on a daily basis about the money we will earn everyday that we forget to really appreciate being able to get it? 
Think about where your life would be if you didn't have a great family, or wonderful friends who uplift you when your down and find you when you are lost.  They say that you can measure the impact of a mans life by the people that he has influenced and touched, not by the size of his bank account when he dies.  There are many different people that feel that more money would lead to more happiness, but that isn't always true.  It's the things that make you smile and laugh and enjoy being alive that really brings true happiness.  It's important that we focus on ways to make ourselves happy and to help other people find happiness.  Sometimes it's hard to help other people find happiness if we cannot find happiness ourselves.  As a parent I look forward to the time I can see my child smile from being so happy and that’s what it's all about.  So whatever it is that you find true happiness in doing be sure that you do it with the people you love and make sure you enjoy all of it. 
We are all born to be happy and to help other people achieve happiness, that's why it makes us happy to make people smile.  Everyday we should make it a point to make someone we love smile or do something for them that you know would grant them happiness.  Let's not be selfish when it comes to making somebody happy.

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