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Monday, June 6, 2011

Proper Sacrifice

"Great achievement is usually born of great sacrifice, and is never the result of selfishness."
Napoleon Hill

When fighting for the things that you love the most, sometimes sacrifice is required.  We can't always have the things we want without giving something up in return.  Most of the time when trying to accomplish a tall task you give up things that you feel are important.  If you ask any successful person they will tell you that they have lost sleep, money, energy, and even family all for the sole purpose of being great.  I've always found it hard to understand how someone could want greatness, but not be willing to give up something in order to get it.  Nothing in life is free, and sometimes we need to make those necessary sacrifices in order to pay for what we want most.  In the pursuit of doing something that you feel so strong about it's OK to sacrifice things that will not tarnish you character.  When you start to allow things such as integrity and self-respect you start to sacrifice yourself in the process.  It's always important that we remember not to lose ourselves in becoming great.  It's so easy to give up on our morals when trying to capture our dreams.  There are so many people that strives on losing a little sleep and dedicating the necessary time to achieve the things that are most important.  We need to make sure that we let our younger generations know that it is OK to lose somethings when reaching for the stars, just be sure that the lost is worth it.    Sometimes we allow people who are not in our shoes to dictate what we sacrifice, but we cannot allow that to happen.  Those are the times when we need to understand if it is necessary to sacrifice those negative influences in our lives.  Be sure that we never allow the opinion's from others to sway us from our dreams, because the sacrifice of our dreams is never one we want to lose.

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