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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

One way love

Hardly any other thing can bring up both extremes at the same time like love. It can be the source of immense pleasure or acute pain. Reciprocation can make the lover feel like the luckiest person in the world while non-reciprocation could be the source of all miseries. True love does not ask for anything in return. Love gives freely, but if that love is not returned it really hurts.
It is very difficult accepting the fact that your love is neither wanted nor reciprocated. It can be even worse if you have to deal with that person. If you happen to work or go to school with that person it can be especially difficult to curve those feelings of love. The thing that makes it so difficult is the fact that love is indeed blind, and gives you no choice. You really can't decide who you fall in love with, it just happens. A lot of times before you even know that your love is not going to be reciprocated it's too late and you are already in love. A lot of times people hang on to these types of relationships in hopes that the partner will change. They see the potential in their partner and of course, they REALLY like this person. So they think that because they like them so much it is going to miraculously translate into them reciprocating the same intense feelings. They really believe they can change the person's feelings, but that isn't usually the outcome. If your getting the feeling that your partner isn't into you as much as you are into them, you are probably right its best to trust your gut.

One sided love can be especially dangerous. One of the persons, who is not in love, might take advantage of the one who is madly in love. Worst part of it is that while exploiting the partner, they never feel guilty. Usually it is finance or physical advantages that are the motivators in such cases. It could be too late by the time the victim realizes that there has been a serious breach of trust.
Getting over the one way relationship is essential but how do you do it is the million dollar question. One of the best ways is to simply put the love out of your mind. Stop thinking about the love, by staying busy, keeping your mind on other things. Focus on bettering yourself, do some things that you haven't been able to do because you have been focusing your attention on that other person. Wallowing in self pity will not help the situation at all, keep believing in your own ability that's the best and surest way to get over those feelings of rejection.


  1. great article, keep writing those jewels ya'll

  2. Thanks for the comment it is very much appreciated.

  3. Gabe - the trigga figgaJune 16, 2011 at 12:47 PM

    This blog should hit a chord with most of your readers, most of us have been on one side of this stick before, usually it's the female who can't understand why the guy doesn't love her back, but I've seen a few dudes cry over a chic, guess everybody grows at their own rate. Good Blog.....

  4. Yes, I myself have been there before as well, it's something that we all can learn from and do better with future relationships. Thanks for the comment Gabe.

  5. Great!! So Sad but true

  6. My current situation...! Thing is, when I Love...! I Love hard! Going to take him to dinner tomorrow for his Birthday and get closure. Follow your advise and move on! If you're a praying person...! Pray for me! Thanks! Needed this today! Bless you!
