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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Mental Toughness

Sometimes the person with the most muscles isn't always the strongest person.  A lot of the time it's the people that have strong mental strength that are the strongest.  Of course with physical strength you can take on tough physical tasks that may arise.  But the best strength is always going to be mental strength, because of what can be done with it.  Most people do not grow up in perfect homes and has to deal with some sort of adversity that others never have to.  It's mental strength that allows those people to triumph through it all.  I know a lot of people that spend time complaining about what they didn't have as a child and how that effects them as an adult.  I try to explain to those people that life is always what you make of it, don't waste time worrying about what you didn't have when you could be taking this time to better yourself.  A lot of us have all had something tragic or of large significance happen to us, but it was mental strength that allowed a lot of us to prevail.  Sometimes we as people want to give up when times get hard and some of us do, but we have to always remember that mental toughness will always pull you out of hard times.  Let's start conditioning our minds to push through hard times, since we all know that sooner or later that the hard times will come.  So many people stress off going to work because they are tired of doing their job, or just tired of going into the place that occupies most of their time.  But did you know that most people that have heart attacks, have them on Mondays before going to work?  It's crazy how people could be so mentally turned off by what they do for a living that their heart gives out on them before they go to do it.  One of the best ways to maintain mental strength is to always focus on whats most important.  We tend to lose sight on what we want in life the most and give up or not work as hard because it slips from our views.  We have to realize that never losing focus on your dreams and aspirations will keep your mind strong.  Also it's important that we realize that times will get tough.  Some people feel like life would never come crashing down on them all at once, but the reality is it may happen more often then not.  But once again it's being tough mentally that helps you push through those tough times.  One thing we need to keep in mind as well is that, you can't always have mental toughness.  Mental toughness needs to be worked out just like your muscles, a few things you can try to work it out are Focusing, Visualizing, Coaching yourself, and most important motivating yourself.  When you become mentally strong you will find that it's not so hard to reach your dreams and goals, so start working on becoming as strong mentally as you can physically.

1 comment:

  1. Good Blog, we're all gonna have to have mental toughness over the next couple years with another coming recession, rising inflation, less police and more criminals on the streets. Having the mental toughness to overcome the obstacles of the next couple years will be a challenge to most Americans not able to deal with not being able to afford simple things like food and Gas.....Good blog.
