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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Dead but still relevant

"I'm not saying I'm gonna change the world, but I guarantee that I will spark the brain that will change the world."
Tupac Shakur

There's been a lot of rap artist that have come and go, but none has ever or in my opinion will ever leave the biggest impact as Tupac Shakur.  On this day he was born and probably from that moment in his life he knew that his life would make an impact.  A lot of people are not aware of the actual impact the man has made in not only the music world, but in people lives.  Although he was most notarized for his so call gangsta rap lyrics and shots of violence, he was also an inspirational person.  Most people would say he could have been hypocritical, but I believe it was more about a man speaking his mind on what he see and what's on his mind.  If you analyze a lot of his music will notice that he's explaining the struggles of urban America.  There was a lot of his songs that I used to listen to gain inspiration such as "Keep ya head up".  That song would always inspire to keep going even when things didn't look good, so I kept pushing.  If you are a fan of Tupac you had you favorites that inspired you as well, not to mention all of the songs he had that just made you feel good when you listened to it.  To this date he has one of the most sold albums of all time which has sold close to 10 million copies and the lyrics from that album are still used by artist to this day. It's crazy to see how much of an impact he still has on the music industry right now.  I was just watching the Lil Wayne Unplugged segment on MTV this past weekend and he did almost a full word for word verse of Tupac "Hail Mary".  Lil Wayne self proclaims he's the best rapper alive, he has even stated the words in a song, "the best rapper alive, since the best rapper died".  Not to say that his words are the say all end all, but it's inspiring to see that a man that was only speaking his mind made such an impact on an icon in American Pop culture.  The inspiration that Tupac gave to a lot of people can never be taken away, and a lot of people not just musicians will say that Tupac influenced a lot in their life.  Whether we are willing to admit it or not, a lot of us black men today used Tupac as a raw example of what it was like to be a young black man in the media in the 90's.  They found ways to blame a lot of what young black people were doing back then on him by saying he was influencing us to do wrong.  When in all actuality it was something that was going on in most of our neighborhoods anyway.  This is a strong example on how media can effect the way you are portrayed and represented.  So in conclusion we wanted to say Thank You to Tupac Shakur for being  a big influence in what we do here at DAJS Daily in speaking our minds and influencing others to do so as well.  Also we want to say Happy 40th Birthday and your words will be truly missed.

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