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Thursday, June 9, 2011

Taking Risks

Author Charles Swindoll conducted a survey of folks over 85 years-old and asked them if they could do life over, what would be some things they would do differently. The top three answers were: more time meditating and reflecting, taking more risks and spending time on eternal issues. It wasn’t making more money, being more famous or driving a nicer car. The most important things in life do not involve money or fame at all. The times that we will reflect on as we get older are the times where we didn't take a risk, such as applying for that certain job, or having the courage to speak to that certain girl.
I found it so interesting that the number one thing was to do more meditating and reflecting, followed closely by taking more risks. Well, Im sure some of us wished we had taken more risks up to this point, so we can definitely relate to this feeling. I know for me I definitely wished I had tried out for my high school basketball team. I have always wondered what could've been, had I just not made excuses and went for it. Its OK to look back and think about those things and be able to also move forward and take some more risks as we get older. Its scary to do this but its worth it when you put yourself out there and you accomplish something you may not have thought you could do. It's so easy to make excuses and sit on the sideline weather than really going after it. But where is the fun in that. Life is about pushing yourself beyond what you think is your limit, trying new things and experiences and embracing new challenges. If you want to get in better shape, go for it and make it happen!
Each day that passes by is gone forever. There is no time for regret of things that went unaccomplished, or dreams that faded away. The only thing is to move forward and make that next minute, and day be your best. Reflect on the great times in the past and the great ones coming in the future. Continue or start to take some calculated risks and live life to its fullest.

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