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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Values and Morals

First off, what are Values? Values are those things that really matter to each of us ... the ideas and beliefs we hold as special. Caring for others, for example, is a value; so is the freedom to express our opinions. No doubt most of us learned our values or morals from home, church or place of worship, or from school. But, where are our children learning their values? Maybe from parents, teachers and religious leaders, but society has changed. Too often young people today are most influenced by what they see and hear on television or on the street.
I began to think about the values my children are learning. Are they learning them from me or from what they see on TV and movies? As a parent I want to make sure my kids are learning their values and morals from their parents first and foremost. I lead by example and try to show them what a man of good moral standing looks like. Its also important to talk to our kids and explain to them the value of honesty and trust. Explain to them that people who lie are not trusted, and people that can't be trusted aren't liked. Observe your child while playing with other children, teach your child to share toys and the value of fair play. Teaching children about playing fair helps them become fair adults. 
Our value system is what defines us. Its what allows us to stand up for ourselves and not follow what everyone else is doing. The values you learn as a child stay with you throughout adulthood, and shape your life. We as parents must make sure our kids are learning good morals and values.

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