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Friday, April 15, 2011


The bond of a strong family is unbreakable. A lot of the things discussed here at Dajs Daily are for the benefit of building strong families. Mothers and Fathers, aunts and uncles, cousins and grandparents all play a vital role in building and keeping the family strong. One other critical part of this equation for me is my great group of friends whom are just as important as family to me. I have been blessed to have a best friend whom I can collaborate with professionally and kick back with personally. Someone whom has always had my best interest at heart and looked out for my well being. He is also a great father, which cannot be overstated. The love he shows toward his son is inspiring. That bond that has been created is just as strong as my bond with my family. With this growing friendship his family has become my family and vice versa.
I believe the people that we choose to be in our lives as friends are so important because of just the fact that we have "chosen" these people to be in our lives, its not something that we have to do because they are family.
Teaching our kids to pick their friends wisely is an important lesson to learn. Their association with the wrong crowd can result in tragedy.  It's important that kids realize that the people you spend time with will shape their lives as well as their futures.  Not only that, but great friends tend to have morals that will apply to them and help them grow as people.  I try to let my friends know as often as I can that I appreciate them and am glad to have them as not only friends but family as well.  So as you sit back and enjoy your weekend with your loved ones, never forget to let the ones that mean the most to you know how they affect your life in a positive way.


  1. That's keeping it real... for real,for real.
    Keep up the good work fellas.

  2. Thanks A lot Henry, we really appreciate that comment!
