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Friday, April 8, 2011

Life Lesson #1-Mistakes

Mistakes are a part of being human. Appreciate your mistakes for what they are: precious life lessons that can only be learned the hard way. Unless it's a fatal mistake, which, at least, others can learn from.

Al Franken,

We all make mistakes, it's how me rebound from those mistakes that make us great people.  It's important that we understand that mistakes are going to be made, we just have to make better decisions once it's over.  The number one thing when making a mistake is to insure that you don't make the same mistake twice.  Be sure to to understand where you went wrong and made the mistake, that will allow you to tread carefully when approaching a situation like that again.  We have to also remember that everyone makes mistakes and holding that mistake over someones head does not help him or her grow.  Being constantly reminded of that mistakes does nothing but stunt growth.  Most people that make mistakes want to forget about that issue, so we need to allow them to learn their life lesson the way they will learn it.  They say mistakes are meant to be made and that could only be because it would be hard to understand how to improve on being a better person if you didn't make them.  One of the things that I like to do is try to make myself a better person each day, and that involves critiquing my faults and mistakes so that I grow from the person making them.  We all would like to live life perfectly and never have any set backs due to mistakes, but in life shows us how to improve.  It's important that we help our children understand the importance of learning this life lesson so that they don't spend their youth not learning from their mistakes.  The earlier we understand that mistakes is part of life, the sooner we understand our true potential to become great people.  I've heard the saying once a cheat always a cheat.  Which can be true, but that is probably because the person who continues to cheat hasn't learned from their mistakes so they have a hard time getting away from that situation.  However there are some people that made the mistake of cheating and realized that it was a mistake they can deal with anymore.  They will never make that mistake again because the lesson they learned was valuable enough to keep in their life tool box.  There are some people that will not date a person due to the fact that they cheated on a significant other before so they believe it will happen to them as well.  We do not fully know if these people have learned that life lesson until we give them a chance.  Some people pass up good relationships with people because of their past mistakes which isn't really fair.  We need to ask these people if they learned from mistakes and what they learned.  Ultimately we do not want to judge anybody from their mistakes, lets give people the opportunity to prove that they are past their mistakes and have learned one of their lesson for their life tool box.

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