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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Working torwards happiness

The people we are in relationship with
are always a mirror, reflecting our own beliefs,
and simultaneously we are mirrors, reflecting their beliefs.
So... relationship is one of the most powerful tools for growth...
If we look honestly at our relationships,
we can see so much about how we have created them.

~ Shakti Gawain ~

There are so many people out there that are in relationships that don't understand why their spouse acts the way they do.  When most of the time it's usually staring them right in the face, but since we fail to put ourselves in the shoes of the other we miss it.  It's always important to put ourselves in the shoes of our spouses so that we can better understand how they feel.  Most of us expect to have our the situation be written out for us like 1-2-3, but it doesn't always work that way.  When trying to resolve an issue in our relationships it's so important to talk them out.  Sometimes we may not find the proper resolution right away, but at least you will understand what issues you and your spouse are having and try to hash them out.  We all expect change in our relationship to occur over night, however it doesn't work that way.  Being in a relationship is hard work and if it was easy then most marriages would not end in divorce.  We have to work at what we want the most just as we do our jobs, raising our kids, and living life in general.  There are no relationships that are perfect, most people see happy couples, but don't realize how much work it took to get to that point.  It's hard to expect us all to deal with a person everyday balancing work, kids, and making each other happy without encountering some sort of turmoil.  Relationships also help you grow as a person, by going through certain situations you realize how you have developed and how you can develop.  As people a lot of us have difficulties dealing with any type of relationships even friendships.  Although friendships and a relationship with a spouse are different in some ways, they are similar in a lot of ways as well.  When dealing with our Friends we realize there are certain things that our friends expect of us, and that applies to relationships with our spouses as well.  Adapting to our situations is the best way to make a relationship work.  However it is important that we try to understand that our spouses are adapting to our attitudes and that we must try to adapt to theirs as well.  Relationships are a give and take, you can't expect to have it your way all the time, but you should expect to be met half way by the other person your with.  As a father i want to teach my son that being in a relationship is not easy, you have to want to make it work.  I will let him know that the harder you work at it the longer it will last.  If you ask anyone who has been married for a long time, they will tell you that it's wasn't easy.  You will never find someone that will be perfect and not have any issues, but you can find someone that has issues you can deal with a lot better.  I'm a firm believer that there is somebody for everybody, but when you find that somebody that you feel is the one you have to be sure that you treat them the way that they deserve.  If you are in a relationship and you have issues that have come up and you left on the back burner I would advise anyone in that situation to work them out so that it isn't a reoccurring problem.

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