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Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Invested Interest

School time is here once again and it's good to see how a lot of people I know are making it a point to take interest in their children's school affairs.  It seems these days that parents don't pay enough attention to what their children are involved in at their school.  A lot of people don't know the impact that it makes on a child when you show concern with what they are involved in at school.  Some of the things that's important to take part in is extra curricular activities.  Try to keep your child involved in activities that can keep their mind creative and inspirational.  A lot of the time parents tend not to encourage their children to do positives activities that will help influence them to use their time more productively.  We also have to make sure that take a personal interest to know who our children spend their time with.  Often children tend to run with the wrong crowd, but not really know how to recognize when they are associated with those type of people.  It's important that we help our children recognize people that are good for their growth and the people who are not.  We did a blog on Peer Pressure Monday, and that's one of the most important things we do not want our children to fall victim to.  When we take interest in our children and what they do at school, we as parents also are influencing our children to be open with us about what goes on.  We have all been there when we are at school or doing school we have been doing something that our parents would not agree with.  Lets make sure that our children are not afraid to be open about what goes on in their school lives.
So often teenagers commit suicide and the parents say they had no clue on why their child would do such a thing.  Generally the first question they ask the parent is "What type of kid was your child?"  Some parents are unable to answer that question completely due to them not knowing their child very well.  In this day in age we that consider ourselves great parents have to be sure we can answer that question from anyone.  If you do not know your own child how do you expect anyone else to know what your child is capable of?  The more we are involved with our children the more we can understand who they are,  thus promoting growth.  The longer your child takes to grow the longer it will take for them to reach their maximum potential.  Have you ever known someone that you found yourself saying that you need to grow up to often?  Most of the time those are those people that didn't get much encouragement to grow when they were younger.  We have to remember as parents that we are our children's biggest heroes and we have the power to influence them to be as great as they possibly can.  Take time this school year to be able to answer the question "Do I know my child?"

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