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Friday, August 12, 2011

Controlling Emotions

I know we all have issues in life that doesn't allow us to keep a smile on our face or stay in good moods, but for those of us that are raising a children we have to be careful on the moods we portray.  A lot of the time when we are having a bad day we would just like to mope around with a disgusted look on our face, but we can't always do that.  Our children look up to us in so many ways and by seeing their parents in certain moods that rubs off on them.  We need to be careful not to allow our children to get themselves down over the way we are feeling when they don't know any better.  I know many of you ask how do you defeat that mood when you are feeling that way, and it's hard for me to answer that question since most people are different.  However I will say that think about who you could be effecting when you are feeling that way.  Most of the time your mood can change the vibe of a room.  for example you could be very happy and in a great room, and if you bring that excitement into a room 9 out of 10 times you will get more people in that room in a good mood.  Same goes for bad moods, when you soaking about something most people will pick that up and their general good mood will turn a little somber.  Known of us live our lives for anybody else so most of us could care less, but for those who are raising kids you have to keep this in mind.  We have to insure that our children knows that just because mommy or daddy is in a bad mood or upset about something that it does not effect them.  Try to talk to them if you are not in a particular good mood to let them know why they should not worry.  Same thing applies for good moods, explain to them why you are in a good mood to let them know that it's OK to express their happiness when they feel they need to.  We bring this topic up because so often we as parents get so caught up in the stresses of everyday life that we forget the effect it may have on our children emotionally.  There are a lot of people that grew up with issues because their parents divorced, abused them, didn't spend quality time with them, or was just simply abandoned.  Most of those all come from the parents dealing with issues and emotionally taking it out on their children one way or another.  One of the best ways to change our society for the better is to strengthen our children mentally by insuring that they understand how to deal with their emotions.  I had a conversation with someone and she told me that she didn't understand why men find it so hard to cry in front of women.  I replied with "Because we've been bread not to and as men we don't want to show weakness."  So many men out their are afraid to show their true emotions simply because they are afraid of what they would be labeled as if they show that emotion.  For men it's important that we allow our sons to cry and show emotions sometimes because if not he will more than likely bottle it all in and eventually effect his children and family with his bottled up emotions.  Lets learn as people to deal with our emotions better and identify how to resolve them, because a lot of the time it doesn't just effect us it effects the people we care about around us.

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