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Monday, July 11, 2011

Keeping The Fire Lit

As I was thinking of ideas for this post I began to ask some people that are in relationships what they think is the key to keeping the fire lit in their relationship. Just about each person I spoke with mentioned spontaneity. A little spontaneity can go a long way in making a once-dull relationship exciting and fresh again. We should not feel so confined to a routine and do some things different as a couple, weather it be taking a last minute hike together, or heading out to a night time hot spot for an evening of dancing and relaxation. The important thing to remember is to be flexible and open to trying something new.

One of the important parts of a healthy relationship is grooming. It seems rather silly to me to have to point out what should be very obvious, but you would be surprised how many people have mentioned basic grooming habits being a problem in their relationship. Brush or comb your hair, brush your teeth, take a bath or shower every day, put on some makeup (if needed), and put on an outfit that shows you care about your appearance. Even though you have been together and see each other at your best it is always nice to be reminded of just how sexy and desirable your mate is. There isn't much that can diminish the romantic feelings like seeing your mate looking frumpy. Do not underestimate the power of physical touch as well. Holding hands, kissing and hugging each other increase the sexual desires throughout the day. Offer shoulder massages and foot massages as well to increase the physical touching.
Weather it be married couples, or those in a long term relationship it should be understood that happy and healthy relationships take a lot of work. One great piece of advice I found was to wake up with this question in your mind each day "What can I do today to show my husband/wife how much I love him/her? Its just something to keep in mind just to show the people we love just how much we love them. The effort involved with deepening the connection between the couple can be enjoyed by both husband and wife (or significant other), thus developing a close intimate bond unlike any other kind of relationship

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