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Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Sports Unites Us All

Throughout our lives we meet a great variety of people and we are often forced to work together with people to achieve a common goal. No matter how independent we may be in our studies, classes often require lab partners or group projects, so that we can learn to work within a unit. Later on in the real world, work will often require collaborations and groups to get projects completed. 
Sports brings people together in a similar way. Whether it be professional, or casual, sports is a great unifying factor between people. The team building you find in sports is different than what can be seen in other areas of life. In sports, the players on a team do not just cooperate because they have to-they work together because they want to. These athletes become connected on a higher level, to the point where teammates trust each other at an extreme level.
 That is one of the reasons that many friends and co workers come together to play intramural sports. Of course the fun and enjoyment you take away from playing the sport, but it also the ability to interact with colleagues and acquaintances on a higher level that separates these activities from the pack. When else would you depend on your friend to be there for you to make a put-back at the end of regulation to tie the game? How about depending on your friend to give you the perfect pass, so that you can catch the go ahead touchdown? There are many in-game situations that you would never experience with friends that allow you to get to know them that much better and be able to see who they truly are.
This is a valuable tool for kids to learn early in life. Learning how to work well with people from different cultures and backgrounds will serve them well in life. Sports in reality is about the connections that are made between those who play the game. They play to have fun with their teammates, and build a level of trust and friendship beyond anything life can give them otherwise. There is a saying in sports that goes "If you can play, you can play", no matter what your ethnic or economic background may be. Sports allows us to get past our silly hangups and just focus on doing the best we can and coming together as one.

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